A driven, inquisitive communications professional

Capstone Agency

Capstone Agency

About the Work

Capstone Agency is The University of Alabama’s student-run, full-service PR and communications firm. I did the following work as the Account Executive for the Alabama Power account. I implemented a fully integrated campaign entitled “What Powers UA,” the goal of which was to inform the University of Alabama students, faculty, and staff of Alabama Power’s various innovative and state-driven efforts. The campaign included social, print, news media, and event engagement.

Fall 2018 Plans Book


This plans book was presented to the client, Alabama Power, in fall 2018 to review what had been done in the partnership thus far and propose the next direction for the campaign. I crafted the executive summary to outline the progression of our campaign and preview where we intended to take it going forward. I developed the overall theme for the campaign which offered direction for our objectives, strategies, and tactics. Furthermore, I collaborated with fellow Account Executive Kennedy Schwefler and Assistant Account Executive Kathleen McManus to establish the four campaign strategies: The Power to Innovate, Grow, Give, and Connect. I also wrote the copy for these strategies in the plans book.



Spring 2019 Plans Book


This plans book was presented to the client in spring 2019, and it outlined the first half of the 2019 campaign. The Undergraduate and Creative Activity conference was a featured partnership with Alabama Power and served as one of the focus aspects of the campaign. I directed this partnership for two years as well as wrote the copy for the plans book. “Power Up” tabling events were a key point of in-person contact with the target audience of students, faculty, and staff. They also provided an opportunity to gather valuable survey data, leading to insights and metrics. I coordinated these tabling events and collaborated with the team to write the copy for the plans book.



Social Media


The above are various examples of tweets and Instagram posts that showcase University of Alabama initiatives relevant to Alabama Power, Alabama Power’s partnerships, Alabama Power’s energy-efficiency and innovation initiatives, and Alabama Power’s investments in state growth. I developed these tweet categories, directed team members in the creation of social content calendars, and copy edited all social media posts. The above posts were written by copywriters Emily Eddins, Grace Evans, and Caroline Ward.



Press Releases


The above includes a news release crafted by Senior Media Coordinator Emma Bannen to showcase the Undergraduate and Creative Activity Conference partnership, as well as a news release crafted by Senior Media Coordinator Dana Berry to highlight Alabama Power’s EcoCar partnership. EcoCar is a competition created by the US Department of Energy, which directs students to turn a gasoline-powered, luxury car into an energy-efficient electric vehicle. I directed the creation of these pieces in addition to copy editing.





The above are various pieces designed by creative team members Jade Cargal, Annie Beth Immel, and Maddie Dudley under my direction for the campaign. They include a poster to advertise Alabama Power’s partnership with the Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity conference, a social media image to advertise the “Power Up” tabling events held on campus, and a hand out push card for tabling events. I wrote briefs for the poster and push card as well as reviewed all final creative and directed where it should be placed.